Grey Zement

A different personality, created by the depth of its lustrous layers. Grey Zement by Compact is a concrete look quartz that comes with a glace finish.

This material has high levels of resistance.


Quartz is highly resistant to scratching, staining and dirt, as well as water and humidity.


Thanks to its zero porosity, dirt cannot get inside, so no germs can grow.

Size available is 3300mm x 1630mm in 20mm or 30mm with a grace finish.

For extra peace of mind Zement Ice by Compac quartz comes with a lifetime quartz warranty. This excludes commercial slabs.

Compac quartz sale 60% off.

Manufacturer: Compac

Material: Quartz Sale!


Commercial - Glacè:

30mm: £464 £186/m2
20mm: £434 £174/m2

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